GDPR and personal data
Ensure that you have GDPR compliance
Are you GDPR compliant?
Since 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation has applied to European and international companies processing the personal data of European citizens.
Thanks to its specialist experts in data protection laws, Actis offers an audit of your compliance and solutions that enable you to comply with the regulations, while at the same time bringing you real organizational and financial benefits.
Personal datas Regulations in Monaco

Some numbers
58% Of companies Are not RGPD compliant in 2020.
(Source : AFCDP web site)
Our solutions for making you GDPR compliant
Discover our support packages, our external DPO services specially designed to provide you with the level of RGPD compliance corresponding to your needs and your level of requirement. For better monitoring of your compliance, Actis offers you the SmartBooster platform hosted at the MonacoDatacenter. You can also take advantage of our training and awareness sessions for your internal DPO, your management or company employees
- Accompaniments to the GDPR compliance
- Externalised DPO offers
- Compliance monitoring platform
- Training and Awareness-raising
Accompaniments to the GDPR compliance
Act now to become GDPR compliant
We guarantee the evolution of your compliance through deliverables with concrete objectives.
Inventory of your GDPR compliance
Our experts perform a point-by-point analysis of your company’s compliance with the GDPR regulation.
- Map your data processing
- Interviews with your employees
- Identification of data processing at risk
- Analysis of deviations from regulations
Advice and information
Actis provides you with a decision support report on the solutions to be implemented and helps you inform your teams.
- Recommendations
- Prioritization of actions to be taken
- Communication of good practices
Purpose: Establish a roadmap to GDPR compliance
What to do next?
- To appoint a D.P.O.
- To Write the documentation of your compliance
- To Build the GDPR file
- To Maintain your compliance level
Includes all the services of the
Accompaniment in the drafting of documents
Compliance documents use a technical and precise lexicon, specific to the digital and legal professions. Our experts will help you draft compliance documents according to the rules of the trade.
Setting up the GDPR file
- Information to the persons concerned
- Internal and external data protection policy
- Drafting and centralization of security processes
- Strategy in the event of a data breach
- Definition of obligations related to subcontractor status
Purpose: To be able to justify the company's RGPD compliance
What to do next?
- To appoint a D.P.O.
- To Maintain your compliance level
Includes all the services of the GDPR PREMIUM offer
Support and training for your D.P.O.
Our Gold option allows you to select and train your D.P.O. We help him/her get started, provide him/her with
the regular support and the legal bases he will need for a serene management of the RGPD.
- A day of training on the protection of personal data in Monaco
- Accompaniment and support for the internal D.P.O.
Online compliance management platform
The essential tool for managing your GDPR compliance
Purpose: Identify and train the actors of a sustainable compliance for the company internally and be able to sustainably justify the GDPR compliance of the company
FEDEM agreement
Actis has a FEDEM approval which guarantees a quality standard of our trainings as well as their conpliance to the Monegasque environment. Moreover, this approval allows the partial payment (up to 30% before tax) of the training courses given to your employees.
Extrenalised DPO offers
Choose our experts as your company's DPO
Don’t waste the valuable time of a qualified resource, our experts perform the DPO role for you. You can be sure that your compliance will be monitored.
Ensure your long-term compliance
ACTIS fulfills the role of DPO for your company by performing the essential tasks that ensure your day-to-day GDPR compliance.
- CCIN contact point and referent for the persons concerned (possible proxy)
- Legislative watch on the GDPR evolution
- Dissemination of good practices
- Consulting Hotline (Bundle of availability by the day)
- Compliance monitoring: Awareness and annual audit
- Advice on impact analysis of data processing and control of measures
Purpose: To entrust the continuity of the company's compliance to a trusted expert
Includes all the services
of the DPO ESSENTIAL formula
We accompany you in the concretization of your commitments towards the GDPR
- Assistance in drafting new procedures
- Documentation organization and project management
- Implementation of good practices
- Update of the GDPR file.
- GRT 4H (guaranteed response time)
Purpose: To make the protection of personal data a real asset for your company with the help of an expert
Because we want to offer the best possible support, we offer a range of options that will allow us to compose a support adapted to all companies.
- Hotline Extension: An additional hotline package by the day.
- Extended support : A document to draft, a compliance study to conduct? Our experts bring their know-how in a "privacy by design" approach
- Advanced awareness: Our experts educate D.P.O., employees and management on the application of the GDPR
- GDPR Crisis Unit Management: Our experts accompany companies in the resolution of your crises related to the protection of personal data. (data leaks, formal notice from the CCIN or the CNIL...)
- GDPR communication campaign: Enhance the company's trust capital by communicating on the commitment to personal data protection and the transparency of data processing.
Compliance monitoring platform hosted at the MonacoDatacenter
Smart Compliance Booster
A cross-functional platform for ethics, compliance and monitoring
- Interoperability between existing software and the platform
- Interoperability between external obligations and internal processes.
- Interoperability between your teams and third parties.
Your compliance in SMART mode
- Robotic automation process
- Competitive intelligence
- Systemic Controls
- Multi-Compliance Management

Secure hosting in Monaco
MonacoDATACENTER®, Monaco's first very high availability green datacenter

It benefits from the building’s S.W.A.C. free-cooling system and very high efficiency inverters enabling energy savings of up to 40%.
Permanent supervision combined with ultra-secure connectivity make MonacoDATACENTER® a veritable data vault in the Principality.
Training and awareness-raising
Training and awareness to ensure your company's compliance with the RGPD
From a simple initiation to regular sensitization through the training of the internal DPO, we accompany professionals towards an integration of personal data protection in their daily work.
FEDEM agreement
Actis has a FEDEM approval which guarantees a quality standard of our trainings as well as their conformity to the Monegasque environment. Moreover, this approval allows us to cover part of the cost (up to 30% excl. tax) of the training provided to your employees.
DPO training
Junior courses
- Awareness-rising to personal data protection
- Role of the DPO
Medium courses
- Become GDPR compliant in 6 steps
Expert courses
- SMEs: Integrating data protection into your business
- GDPR applied to Monaco
- Monegasque specificities in personal data protection.
For the company's staff
- Awareness-rising to personal data protection
For executives and managers
- Awareness-rising to personal data protection
- Role of the DPO
- SMEs: Integrating data protection into your business
- The risks and costs of non-compliance
Our partners for RGPD Compliance