Our credentials
Discover some of the reference customers we have worked with successfully on digital transition, data security, crisis management and company resilience projects in Monaco and abroad.
A trusted service for over 15 years
Actis counts numerous institutions from the public sector as well as companies from various business areas (health, services, banks, insurance, distribution, human resources, etc.) among its loyal customers. Both in the Principality of Monaco and abroad, they have decided to trust us with guaranteeing the security and confidentiality of the data, protecting their business in the event of a crisis or providing support in the management of their compliance projects…
The Order of Chartered Accountants of Monaco recommends Mademat.mc
Discover the opinion of Mr. Stephane Garino, President of the Order of Chartered Accountants after 1 year of use of the platform of dematerialization Mademat.mc Continue...
Read the testimonialDematerialisation: A major Monaco bank chooses Actis
Discover the reasons and advantages why CMB chose the Actis solution for the dematerialisation of its employees' payslips! Continue reading “Dematerialisation: A major Monaco bank chooses...
Read the testimonialOur main credentials